Today’s Morning Edition on NPR (National Public Radio) featured a very interesting topic—severe burns that are landing toddlers in burn units all across the nation. Some burn units see as many as 5-6 youth patients per week with this particular injury. And what is the cause?
Cup of Noodles.
Yes, eight out of twelve burn units reported that this is a “common phenomenon” and that they see this particular injury multiple times per week, especially during the colder months. The design of the cup is what makes the soup particularly dangerous. “The cups are tall, lightweight, and have an unstable base that makes them tip over easily.” Additionally, any noodle soup has been called “strangely perfect” for resulting in serious burns. The noodles are sticky, which makes them cling to skin and causes a deep burn, especially when compared to hot liquids alone. These burns can result in in permanent scarring and/or joint problems, such as limited mobility.
They refer to all the hot noodle soups that are prepared in the store-bought package where you just add boiling water as “Cup of Noodles” but the brand Nissan “Cup Noodles” is one of the worst designs. The doctors interviewed said that a small child hits the lightweight cup at an angle that tips in over spilling on their torso, legs and in their lap.
If you do choose to serve your child any sort of instant soup made in the store bought packaging, please be certain to remove from the original container and place the soup in a bowl. Also, be certain to watch your child carefully if they’re eating any type of noodle soup. Take action against preventable injuries. The Philadelphia Nanny Network encourages you to stay up to date with safety studies and product recalls that are pertinent to your charge’s well-being, health and safety.
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