Friday, February 3, 2012

Can You Juggle Your Family and Your Professional Life?

Juggling different parts of your life is a difficult thing for any parent to achieve. Finding harmony between enjoying your home life and bolstering the success of your career or professional ventures can seem like a somewhat impossible task. But it doesn’t have to be impossible, or even improbable. The key to having it all is balance. This concept is often referred to as “work-life balance” and is becoming quite a popular subject for speculation and debate online, in print and on television and radio programs. Web MD features an article on this balance that has been reviewed by doctors. In this article, it is recommended that parents consider if any household chores or errands can be outsourced? This is why The Philadelphia Nanny Network has made a commitment to helping families in and around Philadelphia find household staff to assist in creating this balance. Visit our website to learn more about hiring and making the balance a possibility!

Some additional tips from WebMD can be found below.

5 tips to achieve a better work-life balance

  1. Build downtime into your schedule
    • In addition to scheduling meetings and appointments, also include date nights, outings with your kids and nights out with your friends
  2. Drop activities that sap your time or energy
    • Limit your time on social networks or talking to the office gossip
  3. Rethink your errands
    • Enlist help or outsource for household tasks and errands
  4. Get moving
    • Try to carve out some time to exercise once or twice per week--it will improve your mood and maximize your energy
  5. Remember that a little relaxation goes a long way
    • Never underestimate the importance of taking 10 minutes daily just to relax!

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