Every January, adults around the
world set goals for the new year. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests
that children can also take part in this global trend by working on resolutions
relevant to their age group. Potential resolutions for your charge include:
Ages 3-5
- Wash hands repeatedly
throughout the day.
- Put toys back where they
belong when playtime is over.
- Be nice to other
children on the playground and in school.
- Learn two new things
each week.
Ages 6-12
- Limit the amount of
daily sugary drinks.
- Learn a new sport or
- Find a balance between
technology and outdoor play.
- Make new friends.
- Follow all home and
school safety rules.
Ages 13-18
- Eat the recommended
daily serving of fruits and vegetables.
- Find a healthy balance
between online and face-to-face interaction.
- Resist peer pressure.
- Ask for help from adults
when needed.
- Treat people with
- If applicable, do not
text and drive.
that you and your charge have your 2016 resolutions set, have fun motivating
one another!
Happy New Year from PNN!