Monday, March 31, 2014

Let Imagination Flow!

Imagination and childhood go hand and hand. Imaginary play allows children to invent creative problem solving techniques, while giving them the ability to venture away from daily structure and expand thinking. Imagination thrives when encouraged by parents and caregivers. Here are a few tips that boost this form of “fun thinking:”

Set limits. Kids have to be taught the difference between imaginary and reality. It’s okay to allow them to use a blanket and pretend they are superheroes saving the word, but they have to understand that the superhero belongs at home or at the playground, not in the aisle of the supermarket.

Embrace imaginary friends. Psychologists suggest that imaginary friends are normal and exhibit a creative, social child. Most kids grow out of this phase as they get older. The only time parents and caregivers should be suspicious of an imaginary friend is when kids start to blame their “friend” for bad behavior. If this occurs, explain to children that they are responsible for their own decision-making behaviors.

Grab a book. While reading is essential to intellectual development, it also adds fuel to the part of the brain that encourages imagination. The vibrant colors, various characters, and enticing adventures take kids away on a magical journey. Next time you’re reading a book to your charge, try reenacting the story.

Limit screen time. The easiest thing to do with energetic kids is to sit them down in front of the TV or tablet screen, but that actually stifles imaginary growth. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests no TV for children under two years old, and only 30 minutes per day for toddlers. As long as kids are sitting in front of a screen, they are being fed information instead of exploring the topic using their imagination.

Allowing kids to step out of the box and entertain themselves is great for child development. A free imagination opens the door for a more creative child to emerge!

Idea from:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Rid Your Car Of Winter!

As one of the top three snowiest winters in recorded history, the harsh weather has consistently impacted commutes over the past couple of months. Slush, salt, sand, grime, and frigid temperatures have impacted vehicles from the tires to wiper blades. With the hope that winter is on its way out and spring on its way in, it's time for your car to have a once-over and undo what winter has done.
  • A good detail will do the trick. Salt, sand, and grime can cause corrosion underneath cars. Visit the local detail shop and get the undercarriage thoroughly cleansed. While there, ask them to clean all carpets, window slots, vents, and interior seating to remove all winter debris. It's also a good idea to pop the hood and remove any leaves or frozen elements.
  • Replace wiper blades. Between the rain, sleet, snow, and hail, windshield wipers have done their fair share of work. They have frozen and defrosted numerous times. With the spring showers approaching, it is recommended that drivers change their wiper blades to ensure safe travel.
  • Keep your tires turning. Cold weather can cause tires to be under-inflated and the upcoming warm weather can cause them to become overinflated. Visit your local tire shop and have them inflate, or deflate, all four tires to the appropriate tire pressure standards. Before leaving, have the mechanic inspect tire treads to ensure proper traction support for the upcoming rain season. If the treads have worn down, it is time to replace the tires.
  • Time to align. Once your tires are ready for spring, have your local mechanic perform an alignment. This will reinstate the balance in your car that has been impacted by the  numerous potholes. A typical alignment will average $80, though well worth it.  Proper alignment can catch tire and suspension issues before they become major repairs!
  • Top off all fluids. The extra power needed to make it through the winter elements can pollute oil quicker than usual. While aligning and checking your tires, have the mechanic change your oil. Even if your mileage indicates that it is not time for a change, you want to make sure the oil is clean. Also check all break, transmission, and windshield wiper fluids.
Now that you're ready to hit the road in warmer weather, don't forget to make sure all insurance premiums, inspections, and registration renewals are up to date!